Thursday, 1 May 2014

New Toys

Unusually for me i had to follow James' method this time round and do some research rather than test rides. Various web reviews rated the Rossignol Experience 88 as one of the best all mountain ski picks for this year, so I had a fair idea that these would be what I would look for, then I went to a local ski shop in Waterloo to see what their recommendation would be and what they had left in stock. First thing they recommended was the Rossis, and they came down a bit on their listed sale price to beat the very few I had found left on the internet, so I snapped them up - got just over 1/3 off the original list price.

I still love my Atomics, not least because they can still keep me ahead of Gary at the bottom of the run, but I know they won't be suitable for the varied terrain over here, and I will have to adapt my skiing style and speed to the conditions, so test rides may not have been the best approach to take. James, Steph and Johnnie all have Rossignol all mountain skis and have got on with them, and I did like the Rossis that I had and broke before the Atomics, so I know they are a good brand and have confidence in their customer support :-) Just doesn't feel right stashing them under the sofa for the next 7 months...

so, to recap:

winter coats.......
snow boots.........
snow chains........

and I think we are just about ready for a Canadian summer

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