Saturday, 17 May 2014

Not quite chippendale

‎Finally finished cutting down the damaged table that we got delivered in california. Managed to keep it almost as long as the original and as wide as possible, and rigged it so that it can work inside as a low coffee table  or outside at the same height as the original as a serving table/sideboard.

There are some visible joints where the sides are made of 3 pieces, but I figured I would probably make more of a mess if them ‎if I tried to cut in some marquetry or something to turn them into a feature.

I bought a very cheap and nasty router and table to do the mortises and tenons, but its mostly been done with handsaw, 1 chisel, second hand block plane and a lot of hand sanding. Even managed to clamp it for gluing with rope twists and tommy bars. So not much more technical than chippendale ‎had, but I have a long long way to go before I can match power tools for accuracy and clean cuts.

It's only really taken me since alabama, as I didn't work on it until then from cutting up the original, and it would have been done sooner if we'd had more dry days‎ since getting to canada.

‎Next project please....

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