Thursday, 17 January 2013

Millingandi bush fire

We pulled onto site off the Princes highway outside Merimbula at about 1:00pm and someone pointed out a whisp of smoke about 2 km to the west. That has now turned into a full on bush fire with helicopter water bombers and multiple fire trucks.

Wind is from the south and has driven the fire north and cut the princes highway north of us, but we are good where we are for now. Can see smoke through the trees but no flames, and we are on open land so it can't get to us even if the wind changes. A tree has also blown down south of us on the highway, so even if we wanted to get out we may have difficulties...

Cooler weather and rain should be coming in from the south tonight, but driving through the Bega valley this morning it was over 40 again.

Day tripped up to Canberra yesterday - like Milton Keynes with attitude, but the was memorial and museum is really good. Came back over Clyde mountain and it was stunning - oil vapour from the gum trees was bluer than the blue mountains, and some of the hairpins were 2nd gear, and that was without the rig on the back. Interesting .

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