Monday, 1 October 2012

Brisbane RiverFire

We rolled into Brisbane a day earlier than expected on Friday, which turned out to be fortuitous as the Saturday was the culmination of the Brisbane festival with RiverFire, a firework, light and laser show along the river. We had a good walk around the city then staked a claim on a bit of wall on their south bank about 2 hours before it kicked off - there had been people camped there since the morning when we started walking, with full on picnic, chairs, BBQs and the whole family. The RAAF did a couple of fly-bys with 2 F18 Super-Hornets during the afternoon, lower and closer than we ever see at UK airshows, although that was the limit of the display, and the Army did similar with 2 Apache and Blackhawk choppers.

Fireworks then kicked off with the F18s doing a flyby flare drop and then going ballistic into the cloud cover on full afterburners. Which was nice.

not our pictures, but we were there.

Cycled around the city again on monday which was a  holiday here, doing the Castlemain XXXX brewery tour today then will start heading up the coast and paddling in the Pacific on our way up to Cairns tomorrow

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