Monday, 31 July 2023

Berlin Addendum

They say you should only regret the things you dont do - the chances you don't take. Well, one of my biggest regrets is that i didn't make it to Berlin in 1988.

I finished uni that spring, borrowed the money for a new motorcycle and had my first summer free - i did a thin sandwich course so previous summers had been spent on work placements in the construction industry. I had great plans to tour eastern europe but first i needed to get a job offer to pay for the bike and travels. By the time i got the job offer confirmed  i only had 3 weeks before my start date so instead if scaling back the trip and just visiting Berlin i did nothing. A year later and the wall came down and the moment was gone.

30+ years later and i really couldn't say what was east and what was west Berlin and Germany, other than a few old watch towers - yes there were run down areas but we've seen parts of cities like that all over the world, and there is so much new building that its hard to see the history where its not been specifically preserved.

Oh well, at least we got to see Hong Kong before '97......

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