Sunday, 18 June 2023

Abenteuer & Allrad pt 2

My motives for wanting to go to Allrad were a little more self-indulgent: while its fun to look at the big stuff we will never be in that market. My interest was in comparing Campalot to the commercially available equivalents and convincing myself that its all been worthwhile

Whist doing up houses in London has ultimately taken more time and cost more money, that's all pretty normal and will pay back on the eventual sale price, Campalot for me has been the biggest project i've ever undertaken, and if it doesn't work I've just blown the last of our savings on a white elephant - no pressure.

There are a couple of well established German manufacturers who make similar products, and we found a couple more new entrants to the field. Overall we are a little bigger on the outside than any of them, and one of the new entrants (pictured) are really small, but overall i think we stack up well. We have a lot more internal storage, cooking space and a bigger shower, and we don't have to mess around at all with the seating to make the bed every day. They use manual jacks while i splurged on electric motors so i can sit on a stool and retract my legs while the others are running around with a spanner. They all uprate the truck load capacity to 3.5 tonnes which we did, so if i ever get pulled over I can point to commercial products with the same setup.

And compared to the Unimogs and big 4*4 Iveco vans, we have as much useable space and can demount and use the vehicle on its own and for other things.

So, all in all, i don't think i did too bad a job.....and by the time you pay German prices for all the add-ons like solar I think i've spent less than half.

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