Saturday, 17 August 2019

Fiesta Major - Cubelles 2019

The ten day festival in our local town of Cubelles started last week so we thought we would go along on Wednesday evening and see what it was all about. One of the small squares is beautifully painted with murals which include the world famous clown, Charlie Rivel who was born here.

The evening festivities started with a number of dance groups including the 'splicing' (similar to our May pole) and the Spanish equivalent of Morris dancers, although the girls were really smashing their poles together and I bet there have been a number of bruises and broken bones during practice.

I don't know what the dragon or the hippo relate to and their significance here, but they were fun to watch, especially with all the firecrackers going off (and the fire truck that was following closely behind as the parade started)

As we followed the parade down to the sea front, we enjoyed the troupes of drummers largely  consisting of teenage girls, beating the crap out of their drums and it sounded fantastic when we got stuck with them under a bridge.

Who said you shouldn't give fireworks to kids? There were a number in the parade (probably 8 - 10 year olds) who were totally enjoying causing mayhem with their firecrackers. The adults with them would put a new one on their sticks, light it, and off they would go again, swinging it around their heads and sending sparks flying.

Here is the dragon again

A fantastic fireworks display ended the evening (for us anyway). There were even fireworks that exploded out of the sea - that was a first for us. Reminded me of Crocodile Dundee fishing using dynamite :-)

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