Monday, 9 July 2018

Lake Atitlan and western highlands

In the last week of June, we left Antigua Guatemala and headed to Panajachel on the shores of Lake Atitlan. The lake is a very deep (220m - 340m) caldera formed by an eruption 84,000 years ago and has three volcanoes on the southern side. Mark has already posted the view we had from our apartment, so here is a different one looking down on the town

We did a day trip to Quetzaltenango (also known as Xela in Mayan), Guatemala's second city. Lots more old buildings and gardens

Another day we went by bus across the mountains and valleys to Chichicastenango. the largest craft market in Latin America. Such a riot of colour, it was amazing. Stalls with crafts next to fruit and veg next to chickens (both alive and dead) and anything else you can think of.

This country is truly beautiful, with hillsides growing corn and maize right down to the verges and crops wherever there is space, interspersed with trees and all things green.

One day we did a tour of four of the villages around Lake Atitlan - San Marcos for breakfast

Then to San Juan La Laguna

Then to San Pedro La Laguna where they were having a fiesta

and finally to Santiago Atitlan where this was our view as we had lunch

We are now back in Antigua Guatemala while we wait for our insurance company to make a decision on how they can help us with our next move to South America. And pause... 

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