Tuesday 11:00 AM
Partly Cloudy
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Precipitation: 5%
Humidity: 70%
Wind: 6 km/h
Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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-27° -27° -23° -22° -22°
I had to borrow Mark's coat on Sunday as mine wouldn't button up over all the layers! Our concert went really well and it included pieces from the concert band and big band too, not just them supporting our choir. Some of the musicians are so talented. Afterwards, I joined a few others to sing carols and excerpts from Handel's Messiah at another venue, this time outside in the snow. It was only -12C then and was lovely standing around roaring fires. This evening we're doing a flashmob outside at one of the local supermarkets then back to the Legion for a bit of Christmas cheer. All I can say is that I'm extremely thankful for M&S thermals, although I never thought I'd have to wear more than one layer at a time...
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