Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Cruising the blues again

I've been skiing with Knees and Clive ‎for almost 20 years - none of us can remember exactly when we started but we do agree it was the first group knees organised and it was in Selva . A lot has changed in that time - we're all older, I'm fatter, Knees has got faster and Clive has lost his distinctive 'tied to a chair' style thanks to a few years at the Ali Ross school of carving...

Conditions were not perfect for their visit - this season has been normal with a lot of cloud and fog - but they did get some nice days to get up to the peak and they even managed to get a day when the whole of the peak to creek was groomed.

It's been great to catch up with them and spend time - they were kind enough to put us up on our visits back to London, so it was good to repay their hospitality - and we met up with them for a few days in western Australia in 2013. Maria cooked us some very nice food, including the mother of all pork pies, and we've added to the empty bottle collection on the balcony - its been a really nice couple of weeks.

I now have a week to dry out and get back to full fitness before Blair comes back for his postponed second visit, then Kevin will be here until easter. It's nice to have friends...

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