I think I have worked out why the canadians have had such a good showing at the French open this year - the invention of the battery fly swat, or l'executeur. It's a lot of fun, very satisfying and seems to have become the national summer sport. We'll never win the war, but it makes the battles a lot more interesting, especially when you hear the zzzzzzz of a mozzie in the night and you can just wave it around in the dark until you get a nice rewarding flash of blue and yellow and loud cracking noise. Badger does have fly mesh up at all the windows and vents, but they are still getting in somehow, so this evens it up.
We also picked up our first passenger somewhere, maybe algonquin. I was putting stuff away in the storage basement at sudbury and there were a pair of eyes looking back at me - some kind of mouse. Campsite neighbours gave us some glue traps so I had to dispose of him the next morning, not the most pleasant of jobs but given that they hunt pretty much anything else round here there is no point getting squeamish.
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