Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Merge left

I  know I refer to Badger as a bit of a barge, but we don't usually have to give way to shipping....on the ferry across from Galveston the "command" driving position does give you a good view over the other traffic and railings.

Galveston is actually the most interesting place we have been in Texas - famous for the most deadly hurricane in US history when an estimated 6-8000 people dies in 1900. Last one to hit them was Ike in 2008 which left a high water mark about 6 feet above the ground in the old drug store diner we had lunch in. Official elevation of Galveston is 7 feet, so that would have been a total storm surge of about 13ft. Local residents must be used to it - they had hooks on the diner ceiling so that furniture and fittings could be hoisted up out of the way, and in the back alleys all the electricity transformers are up on poles for the same reason

Most houses on the peninsular are also storm ready with the main house up on stilts (as in Queensland) and storage below. Some even come equipped with a lift to bring stuff up to the safety of the house if flooding threatens.

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