3 Weeks to go…
And still lots to do. Week 1 of my ‘retirement’ was largely
spent emptying my study. The desk and contents have now been removed and looks
as though it never existed. Mark will start on his this weekend as he
officially finishes work next week. All 7 wardrobes have now been sorted and
contents either vacuum packed (into approx a 1 metre cube – not including ski
gear), sent to the local charity shops or still in use and will be packed to
take to Oz in 3 weeks time. Mark has been busy the last few days with cleaning
the lounge suites so they can be packed away nice and clean. They haven’t been
done for a while, and even though they still look the same, the cleaning water
told a different story! I’ll make a start on the contents of the dining room
next. All that glass ware – could be interesting. This’ lady of leisure’ lark
beats working for a living.